Tamir Semah, N.D., PSCI
Therapist, trainer, and senior lecturer in naturopathy, structural integration, visceral treatment, personal and group health and training, and strategic consultation.
Since 1997 Tamir has been running an active private clinic, located in Tel-Aviv’s picturesque Neve Zedek quarter.
Tamir integrates into the healing process at his clinic various holistic diagnosis and treatment approaches from classic naturopathy, Chinese medicine, and osteopathy. His clients number a great many well-known personalities, opinion leaders, and trailblazers in Israel and worldwide.
Based on the approach that accurate diagnosis is a necessary foundation for every successful treatment, in recent years Tamir has been promoting diagnostic integrative medicine in Israel’s prominent educational establishments and has qualified a large number of graduates in the treatment approach he is developing.
The integration of numerous approaches for diagnosing the origin of the disorder and the application of several rapidly-acting, powerful therapeutic techniques, contribute to a significant feeling of relief from the very first treatments.
Most long-term pain in our body that is accompanied by feeling unwell and being unable to function properly, reflects simultaneous problems in several functional systems. For example, feeling restricted in our movements and functions, together with a general sensation of reduced vitality. Other common conditions represent real damage to tissues due to recurring injuries, sport injuries, or injury to the structure and function of spinal intervertebral discs, recurring headaches, abdominal pain, breathing difficulties, constant tiredness, chronic pain syndrome, fibromyalgia syndrome, and so on.
The treatment methods include visceral, vascular, musculoskeletal, neural, and lymphatic manipulations, focusing on the nervous system and addressing relevant body organs. This unique therapeutic method treats functional, metabolic, and structural lack of equilibrium. Neuro-visceral techniques serve to pinpoint and treat and wide range of conditions, including chronic pain, infertility, digestive problems, persistent tiredness, breathing difficulties, post-birth support and rehabilitation, irritable bowel syndrome, and a range of other conditions of impaired health and quality of life where conventional medicine is unable to offer a solution or relief.
Neuro-visceral techniques are comprehensive in-depth treatment methods that combine information and skills from various disciplines, including osteopathy, Western medicine, biomechanics, Chinese and Eastern medicine, naturopathy, and others.
Treatment at the clinic encourages the body’s natural mechanisms, improving the mobility of the musculoskeletal system through treatment of the various connective tissues.
“To find health should be the object of the doctor. Anyone can find disease” (Dr Andrew Taylor Still, the father of osteopathy)
I have devoted the past twenty five years to learning, to teaching, to understanding in depth the structure of the human body, and to promoting people’s health. Early diagnosis, varied therapeutic tools, teaching healing and pain relief techniques that each person can apply himself, are only some of the fundamental principles on which treatment at my clinic is based. Providing directions for posture and movement, and therapeutic tools customized for each patient personally and intended to be carried out independently, help to intensify the effect of the treatment at the clinic. These shorten significantly the duration of the pain, encouraging rapid return to routine activities, and decrease the dosage of medications or even do away with the need to use analgesics or pain-relief aids.
Tamir holds international qualifications in:
Visceral Adjustment
Neural Adjustment
Anatomy Trains & Structural Integration
Naturopathic Medicine
Strategic Consolidation
In addition to studying a variety of therapeutic approaches for many ears, including Chinese medicine, naturopathy, homeopathy, and osteopathy, Tamir has undertaken further professional development in Israel and elsewhere in treatment methods that focus on promoting recuperation and alleviating chronic pain through various methods, such as structural integration, orthopedic acupuncture, visceral and neural manipulation, gender medicine, and organizational strategic personal consultation.